Picking a Spouse

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It wasn’t love at first sight for Crystal and me. When I first saw her I was intrigued; she had great legs, but hardly thought this is the one. She was actually the seventh girl I asked to the semi-formal dance that fall. That night was fun but not the night of my life. At one point she fell asleep on the couch.

It wasn’t until later, when I really got to know her that I started to think she had possibilities. I’m not sure what it was exactly. She was certainly interesting. I certainly didn’t have to constantly think of things to talk about. She could always find something to talk about or move the conversation forward. She definitely wasn’t spoiled or hard to impress. If I bought her a cookie she was sincerely grateful. I mean she would immediately get excited and squeal for joy and then contently munch while I walked with her.  A walk in the park and a cookie could constitute a date. I always knew I could trust her. One of our first weekends she took me to a church just off campus. I could tell she really believed and lived by her beliefs. That is rare nowadays. She always was open. She told me what she liked and what she didn’t. I never had to guess. I think openness is important, but again, increasingly rare in the dating world.

One time I took her to see a movie. It was a real offbeat comedy called “Harry and Walter go to New York” It was a ridiculous movie about two escaped prisoners who plan a bank robbery. It was meant to be a farce, full of one liners and vaudeville stunts. It was completely over the top and somewhat predictable. There were about ten other people in the theater that night. Thanks to Crystal those people had the time of their lives. When something funny happened a moment passed and then Crystal laughed. When she laughed everyone else, including me couldn’t help but break out laughing. I think that is what clinched the deal for me. Crystal has always had a great sense of humor. Sometimes there is a short processing time, but she sees the humor in life. She likes the corny side of life. This is good for me, since my sense of humor tends in that direction. She always laughs at my jokes, even if our girls just roll their eyes. Life can be too serious. I don’t know how we would have survived without a sense of humor.

As far as a formula for picking a mate, I have always said that I don’t have one. I think compatibility is too hard to predict once emotions are involved. A lasting and happy marriage tales effort more than coincidence. It takes two unselfish people willing to go the extra mile to please their partner. It takes a little luck and a blessing from God. However, good conversations, easy to please and a sense of humor couldn’t hurt.

Category: Suitable Mate

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