Once again, it’s that magical time of year when the strange odorless toy tree appears in the living room. It makes me feel good with its colorful lights and multitude of fascinating hanging toys. Of course, this means my favorite game is afoot. When no one is looking I can sneak a toy of my choice and play to my heart’s content. That is until mom (Crystal) or dad (Ron) catch me and return the toy to the tree. They usually move it to a higher branch, therein raising the level of difficulty. This year they have added an element of danger. There is a squirt bottle of water involved. But have no fear, they can’t watch all the time. I can and will prevail.
But that’s not the reason for this report. A lot has happened since the last funny tree sighting. This has been a truly unique year. The adventure began when it was hot out and I got a gift. They got me a wonderful little house. It was grey plastic with a metal door. They put a nice cushion inside and eventually a little litter box. I loved my little cat house (pun intended). That is until I realized what this meant. One day I was locked in a room upstairs. It sounded like a herd of people were all over the house. I was a little upset. I love visiting people. But every once in a while, Lisa came in to reassure me. Truth be told I napped most of that day.
But then they let me out and almost all of the furniture was gone. The next day so were we. I went into my house and dad closed the door and put me in the car. Then we drove for three days, staying at a new house every night. Each day we would drive. Fortunately, they stopped frequently to let me out and pet me and walk with me outside. I don’t know how much more I could have endured.
But then we arrived at our new home in Minnesota. Yes, that’s a real place. Dad told me, so it must be true. It is great. There are so many rooms to explore, and so many windows. I have multiple sun spots to sit in at different times of the day. There are trees and animals to watch. One night when I was looking out the back glass door, I saw a giant animal with trees growing out of his head. I won’t lie. It scared me. For days, dad and Lisa had to reassure me I was safe. But overall, life is really good. And I am pretty sure we are all happy.
I don’t know who reads this thing, but dad told me to tell you something. Have a very Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah and a Wonderful New Year.
Much Love