Crystal and I left on time last Saturday. We arrived at our church at noon as planned. We were supposed to give a brief witness, about how we felt God had blessed our marriage, to the attendees at a marriage seminar. The parking lot was empty. As we walked around the church, Crystal had me assure her that I had the right day and place. I was certain. I knocked on the door of the parsonage and the pastor, casually dressed in sweats, answered the door. He immediately and emphatically apologized. He had forgotten to call us. The previous day all four couples had cancelled. We talked for a while, Crystal in particular. One thing I know about my wife, when she is ready to talk, she will. When done, we continued on to the date I had promised Crystal earlier.
However, I wasn’t two steps away from the pastor’s door when a thought hit me. When we were younger Crystal and I had been to many of these seminars with great results. We have always believed in working at our marriage. I believe we have actually been remarried twice as well. The thought which bothered me was what if the reprioritization of four couples represents a growing attitude in this country. I totally understand the need to change plans, for priorities. We have to do it all the time. But what priorities are greater than a strong marriage. Even when I am selfishly motivated, I understand the dynamics of the old adage “happy wife, happy life”.
I actually believe what seemingly all of today’s politicians espouse with great regularity, and very little action: The future of America rests in strong family units and values. That means strong marriages.
Please join us today as we pray for a renaissance of stronger marriages and more biblical family values in this country.
Crystal’s Corner
I know that it is difficult sometimes to fit into your schedule something like a marriage seminar. Most couples are both working and dealing with housework, and children, errands, etc. But we have found that taking the time to go to seminars is very worthwhile. You not only learn from what is presented but you also learn from the other couples. Marriage is like a plant. If you don’t pay attention to it or nurture it, it will wilt and die. I think that too many people wait until their marriage is crumbling before they realize their marriage needs attention.
I remember we went at the last minute to a Saturday seminar in another town several years ago. I was really flustered and made arrangements for my children at the last minute and then worried if it was all going to work out. The first speaker was a couple who had been married for a long time; and when their youngest child left for college, they fell apart. This made such an impression on me because I had a house full of kids who, at least part of the time, were driving me crazy. I thought they were going to tell us how great it was to now be together alone. But instead they talked about the empty nest. It wasn’t that their marriage was terrible. It was just rattled by this change. It also made me realize that the time we spent together as a couple, away from the house and responsibilities, and the children, while they were growing up was very valuable and worthwhile.
The seminar included a rather simple bag lunch. I remember sitting on the floor in a hallway eating that lunch, somewhat by ourselves, and just looking at my husband and smiling. I was glad that we had done this. Just eating a sandwich and some fruit, without anyone bothering us, was unusual. It reminded me of when there were just the two of us, and how special I felt to have found this wonderful man to spend my life with.