Happy Aniversary

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Yesterday was Crystal and my thirty-fifth anniversary. If you’re thinking congratulations, thank you. I remember when my parents were married twenty-five years, I thought, wow they are old. It’s interesting how your perspective changes as you age. It’s not that I have any dreams of immortality or don’t feel my age. I just care less about how old I am and more about how I feel, what I am doing with my life, and how I can best serve those I care about. On the top of my care about list is Crystal. Easter was the day before our anniversary. We had all three daughters, along with a husband, a boyfriend, my father, and four grandchildren for dinner. It was great, but yesterday Crystal was exhausted. We did nothing. Today Crystal and Lisa (our youngest daughter) are going to see a movie.

One might be tempted to say we don’t care about our anniversary. You would be partly right. It’s only a day. Crystal and I will go out for dinner and have exchanged presents, but that doesn’t make the day special. We do those things all of the time. There is hardly a day when Crystal doesn’t have fresh flowers on the dining room table or chocolates in the house. When I shop I just can’t help think of her when I see flowers or the candies she likes. When I get up I make coffee and frequently a breakfast for her. We go out on a regular basis and even get away several times a year. What is worth celebrating is that after all this time, we still enjoy being with each other. I know, for some, a special day of recognition is important. I’m just glad we have had so many special days.

Category: Make Marriage Last

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