I was visiting dad yesterday when my cell phone rang. It was Crystal. She had just gotten off the phone with an aide to US representative Steve Stivers. He told her that the red tape which had dad listed as an IRS version of the walking dead had been broken. Jubilation was dad’s and my immediate reaction. The nine month ordeal had finally come to an end. Of course we are now left with the bittersweet knowledge that, now just like every other US taxpayer, the IRS will review his 2013 tax return (hopefully no mistakes).
As painful as the entire process has been, looking back, some good may have actually come of it. Representative Stivers’s aide also told Crystal that they would try to analyze the fault in the system and reduce the likelihood of similar occurrences in the future.
On a personal basis, dad and I have had a rare, but valuable opportunity to be a part of the ‘American way’. We have had his story carried in a free multimedia press on TV, radio, internet, and Newspaper. We especially want to thank Lori Katzman of the Columbus Dispatch and Terry Sullivan with ABC News 6. What started with a plea for sympathy and attention for a ninety-four year old WW2 veteran drew the attention of an entire political system. While it should never take such monumental effort to solve such a seemingly simple computer malady, it is nice to know that so many concerned Americans are ready to fight for what is right. Once the story aired, people came to us wanting to help. We have spoken with one of US Senator Sherrod Brown’s aides, US congressman Steve Stivers and his aide. Both have been very helpful. Social Security has offered what help they could. One suggestion, which might have worked, came from their PR representative. He said that if we applied for a new SS card for dad the IRS data base would be automatically updated. We have also received an apology from higher ups in the IRS tax advocates office. H and R Block even offered to help “for Free”.
Everything considered, we are just overjoyed to see this whole nightmare finally coming to an end. They say that comedy is just tragedy plus time. With a story like this, it won’t take too long. Also, while I’ve never been much of a public speaker and don’t care for bright lights, the hope that our efforts may help to fix the original problem makes it all worthwhile. I hope that, the next time I am forced to face a public speaking assignment, it will be for the benefit of our bestselling memoir. Crystal will be with me for that, and we are always better together.
Here is a video link to Our ABC interview.
Dad at dinner in a seafood restaurant. Dad always loves seafood.