I came to Bradley University as a Junior. When I was in community college, we met with our advisor and they helped us make our schedule. So, I would receive my classes in the mail, with all the information about two weeks before classes started.
So, when I came to Bradley in August, I thought I would be receiving my schedule the same way, but instead I think I got a letter telling me to come to Bradley Hall to register. Fortunately, my roommate Debra, was also a Junior and her fiancé had been at Bradley for two years. He explained to us what was going to happen. He also informed us that because we were Juniors, we would get into the classes we needed to graduate as Seniors.
Going into Bradley Hall that day was stepping into chaos. There were tons of people standing in lines and wandering about. I got into the first line for one of my classes pretty quickly, and was accepted into the class. Then I went to the next line. I don’t think very many of my lines were long. I was mainly taking my English major classes. I did have to take a Calculus class, and that was crowded. So, I might have just gotten in line early. I couldn’t believe that a school like Bradley could be so disorganized with registration. It was such a prestigious school. Of course, this is before the computer systems had taken over the paperwork that had to be dealt with at colleges. I was just glad that I got through the process very quicky, without any problems. Some of my friends had problems getting into the classes they needed, and had to adjust their schedules, and stand in more lines. I did notice some students swearing as they were refused to be accepted in classes.
I had not found APO yet, so I didn’t know that the students that were helping with registration were from APO. I just knew that they were friendly, encouraging and helpful. I thought that was nice. I may even have seen Ron that day, but didn’t know him yet.
I think God planned the way we met and got to know each other. I had to establish myself at Bradley, and get used to being there before I met him. I wasn’t ready yet. Getting to know Debra and my friend, Paula, helped me to adjust. I was very homesick at first, and had decided to stay at Bradley for about 6 weeks before I went home. That was a long time for me, but I think it helped me to get settled.
Ron: Some things seem so fun, and even funny, when we look back on our lives. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could have the funny stories, without having to go through the stuff? My sophomore year it took all of 8 hours to register. Sophomore were low on the totem pole.